Odor Eliminator vs. Odor Masker

Odor Eliminator vs. Odor Masker
Monday, July 15, 2024
air care

Odor Eliminator vs. Odor Masker

When your facility has an odor problem, 你的首要任务是尽可能快速有效地去除气味. 但是什么是最快、最有效的去除异味的方法呢? Odor masking or odor elimination? What’s the difference anyway?

At State Chemical, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站为各种问题生产和销售化学解决方案, including odors. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在气味掩蔽剂和气味消除剂方面都有经验, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道,在这种小众比较中,很难知道你真正需要什么.

这样您就可以为您的设备需求做出最好的购买, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将比较气味掩蔽剂和气味消除剂基于 它们是如何工作的,它们的局限性,什么时候最好使用它们. 阅读后,您将知道哪种产品最适合您的设施.

What is Odor Masking?


气味掩蔽剂是一种用香味掩盖异味的产品. They don’t remove odors from the air but rather overwhelm the odor with a pleasant scent so you don’t notice them anymore.

当你想到一个气味掩蔽剂,你可能会想到一个 standard aerosol air freshener. There are exceptions, of course, but usually, 当使用“空气清新剂”一词时,标签上没有提到气味消除, it’s referring to an odor masker—not an odor eliminator.

What is Odor Elimination?


  1. 改变恶臭的化学成分,这样你的鼻子就不会再把它当作气味了
  2. Physically eliminate the malodor from the air

在这两种情况下,气味消除剂在源头中和气味. This means that even without a fragrance, 除臭器会去除空气中的恶臭,使环境感觉更干净.

Odor eliminators can also come in 喷雾罐,即用罐和瓶子,或香水系统, but they’re not usually marketed solely as air fresheners. 相反,它们的标签通常也会声称它们是 “odor eliminators,” “odor neutralizers,” or “deodorizers.”


当它深入到它,气味消除被认为是一个更有效的解决方案,因为它 gets to the root of the problem. 拥有令人愉悦的香味是建立品牌和增加设备美感的好方法, but if your odors persist, it isn’t really solving the issue.

气味消除剂会去除这些恶臭,这样你就不会注意到它们了. And they last longer than odor-masking air fresheners, making them perfect for odors in many situations.


This leads us to when each method is best used. For odor masking, any application is possible, 但这并不意味着任何澳门威尼斯人博彩官网都是最好的澳门威尼斯人博彩官网.

只有在使用除臭剂不符合成本效益的情况下,才需要单独使用香精. For example, in an industrial, outdoor facility, 气味掩蔽剂是比气味消除剂更具成本效益的选择.

Why is this?

Well, in an outdoor setting, 有太多自由流动的空气,气味消除器不会接触到足够的异味颗粒来完全消除气味. 你必须使用大量的产品才能看到效果, and this probably wouldn’t make sense financially.

Instead, 使用含有除臭剂的强效防臭面膜将是一个更明智的经济举措. 该系统将更有效地处理特定环境, 掩盖难闻的气味,而不是仅仅试图消除它们而浪费产品.


However, for most everyday applications, 消除气味更有效,可以从根本上解决问题. Plus, 如果您有设备用户过敏或其他敏感, 除臭剂可以中和几乎没有香味的气味.

•这意味着如果你的一些员工有哮喘或偏头痛, for example, 气味消除剂可能不会像气味掩蔽剂那样对他们产生负面影响. 你只需要确保你买的不是一种气味消除剂,同时也是一种气味掩蔽剂. 寻找标有“无香料”、“无过敏原”或“无已知过敏原”的标签.”

Odor Masking and Odor Elimination are Best Used Together

All of these factors considered, 这是“掩盖气味还是消除气味”问题的最佳解决方案?” is to use both.

When you buy an odor eliminator, it will usually already include a fragrance, but we recommend being sure that that’s the case.

Of course, it always comes down to personal preference. 也许你的设备没有很多气味困扰,所以你只想添加一种令人愉快的香味. 也许你只是想消除难闻的气味,因为员工对常见的香味很敏感.

However, whenever possible, 消除香味和促进清新环境的最全面的方法是将气味消除和掩蔽相结合.

If you only mask, 你会使用一种短期的解决方案,但可能仍然会导致难闻的气味渗透进来. And on the flip side, 如果你只是消除气味,你的设施将没有任何气味. 闻起来不干净,不新鲜,也不舒服——闻起来没有任何味道.

从理论上讲,这听起来不错,但也很容易做到 jarring. 此外,这意味着顾客不会把你的设施和令人愉快的气味联系在一起,而且 scent is one of the most powerful triggers of memory.

你可以用这两种方法来解决这两个问题. The odor eliminator will remove the malodor from the air, and the odor masker will leave a pleasant scent behind. This will help clients perceive your facility as cleaner, fresher, more comfortable, or whatever vibe you hope to give off.

Learn About SE-500 as an Odor Neutralizer

When it comes down to it, 您最关心的是尽可能快速有效地清除设备中的异味. 通过气味消除和/或气味掩蔽,您的设施可以做到这一点. 了解更多关于如何消除工厂异味的信息, consider how SE-500 neutralizes malodors.